Thursday, January 18, 2007

Up to somethin'

From My Pictures

My eyeless squirrel toy is up to somethin', I just know it. He may be trying to communicate with the underground squirrels, or he knows some special squirrel morse code. Well, whatever he's doin', I don't like it. Maybe I'll chew off his tail tonight.

From My Pictures

Or I'll just finish doin' bloggy with my Claire...yawn...goodnight


Ivy said...

uh oh! wach out for those eyeless skwerrels! they live underground and pop out from your floor wen you dont expect them!

i definitely reckomend chewing his tail off as soon as possible.

Bruce the Bird Dog said...

Done and done.

Freda said...

Hey Bruce,

Freda here. Thanks for sniffin' arounds my place. (Have been tryin' to bark here since I received your message but the Blogger/Googler guys must have been sleepin' or somethin' cuz the Googler servers were down a lots.)

Are you sure that is an eyeless skwerrel, as Ivy barks. That posturin' reminds me of one of those smelly butts (skunks). Please be carefuls.

That cooools that you've got my button in your Puppy Pals list. I'm gonna add your names to my list too. Neato! My secretary says that will have to wait though cuz my mom woke up sicks and my friend, Tule, who is visitin', is also sicks. We've got to take cares of them first.

Nice sniffin' ya. Bark at ya later.
Cooools blog.


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Hi Bruce. Skwerrels are stupid, but eyeless skwerrels are more stupid!

Hana said...

That skwerrel sure gets around. I thought I saw it at Ivy's!!